Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or information technology security, is the area related to computer science and telematics that focuses on the protection of computer infrastructure and everything related to it and, especially, the information contained in a computer or circulating through computer networks. For this there are a series of standards, protocols, methods, rules, tools and laws designed to minimize possible risks to infrastructure or information. Cybersecurity includes software (databases, metadata, files), hardware, computer networks and everything that the organization values and represents a risk if this confidential information reaches the hands of other people, becoming, for example, inside information.
The definition of information security should not be confused with that of “computer security”, since the latter is only responsible for security in the computer medium, but the information can be found in different media or forms, and not only in media computer.
Computer security also refers to the practice of defending computers and servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks and data from malicious attacks.
In summary, security in a network environment is the ability to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities. A general definition of security must also pay attention to the need to safeguard the organizational advantage, including information and physical equipment, such as the computers themselves. No one in charge of security should determine who and when they can take appropriate action on a specific item. When it comes to the safety of a company, what is appropriate varies from organization to organization. Regardless, any company with a network must have a security policy that addresses convenience and coordination.
SOURCE: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_security