The emergence of online work platforms in recent years has increased the emergence of new job profiles that, thanks to the development of technology, have made possible the proliferation of innovative professional projects through teleworking.
Technology, and with it hyperconnectivity, are changing the ways of understanding the world, also in the workplace. While the existence of a virtual worker was practically unthinkable a few years ago, today telecommuting has become a practice that many companies already see as usual.
The rupture of the space / time paradigm is undoubtedly one of the factors that enable this type of distance employment, since technology allows a person to attend a meeting or be in charge of an important action from anywhere in the world , without needing to be physically present in the space where the activity takes place.
In this context, the game of crowdemployment or crowdsourcing enters, that is, the use of technology platforms by companies through which projects that are usually managed entirely through the Network are commissioned. One of those tools is Amazon Mechanical Turk, used for simple, low-unit jobs that require a certain level of intelligence that a machine cannot do.
To get it going, organizations demand technology profiles and freelance workers, following the American model. Although at the moment only 3% of workers live solely from digital platforms, the upward trend is visible and the Labor Force 2020 survey states that 83% of managers plan to increase the use of consultants or intermittent employees in the next three years.
The advantages offered by teleworking are immense. The company saves numerous costs related to the rental of a physical space to work and these are redesigned to adapt them to the new template. In addition, there is greater labor flexibility which contributes to the development of employees’ talents and skills and improves productivity.
In this way, an online work culture is generated that implies the frequent use of electronic information processing methods and the permanent use of some telecommunication means for the contact between the teleworker and the company.
In short, the virtual worker adapts to a new environment that is innovative and digital, and that provides numerous advantages for the organizations that apply it, for teleworkers, their family environment and society as a whole.